Cena od 5600 zł / m² Cena od 5600 zł / m² Cena od 5600 zł / m² Opis projektu: Projekt Serpens to propozycja dla osób ceniących połączenie minimalizmu z nowoczesnym designem. Prosta bryła budynku zapewnia funkcjonalny rozkład pomieszczeń, co w połączeniu z dużym metrażem sprawia, że jest to idealny dom dla rodziny. Obszerny garaż…

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Interior Design

Price from $1500 / m² Priсe from $1500 / m² Priсe from $1500 / m² Project description After submitting your application, our specialist will come to your home to determine the optimal amount of energy generated by solar panels, based on your electricity consumption. It’s free and doesn’t take more than 40 minutes. Next, our…

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Interior Design

Price from $1500 / m² Priсe from $1500 / m² Priсe from $1500 / m² Project description After submitting your application, our specialist will come to your home to determine the optimal amount of energy generated by solar panels, based on your electricity consumption. It’s free and doesn’t take more than 40 minutes. Next, our…

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Interior Design

Price from $1500 / m² Priсe from $1500 / m² Priсe from $1500 / m² Project description After submitting your application, our specialist will come to your home to determine the optimal amount of energy generated by solar panels, based on your electricity consumption. It’s free and doesn’t take more than 40 minutes. Next, our…

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Interior Design

Price from $1500 / m² Priсe from $1500 / m² Priсe from $1500 / m² Project description After submitting your application, our specialist will come to your home to determine the optimal amount of energy generated by solar panels, based on your electricity consumption. It’s free and doesn’t take more than 40 minutes. Next, our…

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Interior Design

Price from $1500 / m² Priсe from $1500 / m² Priсe from $1500 / m² Project description After submitting your application, our specialist will come to your home to determine the optimal amount of energy generated by solar panels, based on your electricity consumption. It’s free and doesn’t take more than 40 minutes. Next, our…

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Interior Design

Price from $1500 / m² Priсe from $1500 / m² Priсe from $1500 / m² Project description After submitting your application, our specialist will come to your home to determine the optimal amount of energy generated by solar panels, based on your electricity consumption. It’s free and doesn’t take more than 40 minutes. Next, our…

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